The teachings of the Sivananda system summarized into five basic principles.
- Proper exercise – Asanas (Steady Poses)
- Proper Breathing – Pranayama (Prana = Vital energy or Life Force)
- Proper Relaxation – Savasana (Pose for Proper Relaxation)
- Proper Diet – Vegetarian (Lacto or Vegan)
- Positive thinking and Meditation – Dyana (Dhyana and Vedanta (Philosophy of True Knowledge)
These five key points and the teachings of the four paths of Yoga encompass that at the Yoga Empowerment Studio in Jersey City offers more than just performing yoga poses. Although Yoga poses are an essential aspects Yoga is something that can be incorporated at every aspect of our lives.
The meaning of Yoga is Union. This Union is a union of your individual self with the Higher, Divine, Supreme Self. The practice of Yoga is a practice awareness in order to assist in moving towards Self-Realization. Self-Realization realizes the Atman, the Soul, the true Self beyond the body, beyond the mind, beyond all thoughts and emotions. Atman, the Soul, is pure consciousness. It is the unchanging witness. When we attain Self-Realization, we achieve True Bliss.
As Swami Sivananda stated, “Bliss is ultimate nature of reality from bliss all this comes forth. All the bliss of the world is only a shadow of self-bliss. The Self of the source of all bliss. It is everything, all knowledge and all bliss. All this is based on consciousness and is guided by consciousness. Consciousness is Brahman. I am Brahman. That thou art. This Self is Brahman. Only the infinite is bliss. There one sees nothing else, hears nothing else. Understands nothing else. That is infinite fullness.”
Practice of these five key points helps us to live a longer, healthy and more positive life. But it also helps us move more and more towards the ultimate goal of Self- Realization.
1) Proper Exercise (Asanas)
Acts to as a lubricating routine to the joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons and other parts of the body by increasing circulation and flexibility.
2) Proper Breathing (Pranayama)
Aids the body in connecting to its battery, the solar plexus, where tremendous energy is stored. When tapped through specific yoga breathing techniques (pranayama), this energy is released for physical and mental rejuvenation and healing.
3) Proper Relaxation (Savasana)
Cools down the system, as does the radiator of a car. When the body and mind are continually overworked, their efficiency diminishes. Relaxation is nature’s way of recharging the body, calming the mind, and connecting with the spirit.
4) Proper Diet (Vegetarian)
Provides the correct fuel for the body and the calm clarity of the mind. Optimum utilization of food, air, water and sunlight is essential. Pure, simple natural food that is easy to digest and absorb (organic when possible) is ideal for the smooth, healthy functioning of your body/vehicle. A gradual transition to a vegetarian diet is ideal for yoga.
5) Positive Thinking and Meditation:
Meditation and prayer restores peace of mind and clarifies the thoughts, offering a true vision of your being and purpose. As the intellect is purified, the spiritual Self is brought into focus and the lower egoic nature is controlled and re-directed through steadiness and higher thought. All things are seen in a new light!
The Positive thinking and meditation are the most important aspect of these five key points. Integrating all these five key points of yoga is detail to emphasize because each of the key points feeds and supports the points to deepen and accelerate our spiritual growth.
For example, the more we practice yoga asanas, then the more the body is prepared and more comfortable to sit for deeper meditation. The same can be applied to any of these key points can improve any of the other key points. The most important factor in applying all these key points is regularity and consistency. This takes time, but steady and continued sadhana, spiritual practice is guaranteed to provide improvement. For more information and to learn more concerning this topic, please visit our website and/or visit our Yoga Studio in Jersey City.
Yoga Empowerment Studio
1217 Summit Ave Jersey City, NJ 07307.
Brian Bourne, CYT, PT, tDPT, MCMT
Director of the Yoga Empowerment Studio